This work contains ten sermons given by the author during National Conventions. Those who knew him can testify to the evident anointing of the Holy Spirit in the ministry and person of this brother. He could, obviously, speak on the "intimacy of God", thanks to his lived experience and not through theoretical teaching. He also had the right to speak of the price to pay for entering into this intimacy, having himself often paid it in his life dedicated to a service that was not always easy. It is truly a man who speaks to us and his message, far removed from both sterile legalism and devastating mysticism, convinces us that we can, each for our part, enter today into the intimacy of God. Let us add to this that the tone is intimate, the style pleasant, spiced with a touch of very pleasant humor and that we will finally find with pleasure the famous anecdotes with which he likes to pepper his words.
This reference series in the field of communion with God which consists of the following titles:
- God your guide
- At God's school
- In the privacy of God
- God's call
- Knowledge of God
ISBN: 9782902628131