Know Christ

Know Christ

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The Puritans loved the Bible and took pleasure in looking into it. They also loved the Lord Jesus, who is, of course, the central character of the Bible. They meditated on him, focused their thoughts on him, and carefully studied everything the Scriptures had to say about him. They constantly and consciously exalted Him in their preaching, their praises and their prayers. Mark Jones, a recognized scholar of Puritan thought, also shares this love for Christ and the Word of God. In this book, he presents the person and glory of our Savior based on deep and life-giving biblical truths. Here is a book that will enrich our 21st century souls and lead us into worship.

“This work is a real gem. Unveiling his heart as a pastor, Mark Jones presents to us the depth and richness of the knowledge of Christ, exhorting us to deepen it and increase our love for our Savior. »

—Rosaria Butterfield

Mark Jones (Ph.D., Leiden University) is pastor of Faith Vancouver Presbyterian Church (PCA) in British Columbia, Canada. He is also a research associate at the University of the Free State in South Africa. He has written several books and given numerous lectures around the world. He is particularly interested in topics concerning Christology and Christian life.

ISBN: 9782924895009