Have a lasting impact on the lives of others
Christians are called to encourage one another. Encouragement is necessary for everyone. For the authors, doctors of psychology, encouragement is far from being limited to a compliment or a pat on the shoulder; it is an attitude of life intended to help others progress in their Christian life, even in difficult times.
The objective of this book is to show how to go beyond superficial relationships and meet the personal and emotional needs of others. Our Churches, if they retain the message, will become even more communities where each person, attentive to the other, will help them to flourish in the faith.
Genuine and effective encouragement is rarer than we think. This book gives many practical tips for encouraging and being encouraged.
Michael Green
Larry Crabb And Dan Allender are both professors and counselors in helping relationships. They are also world-renowned speakers and authors.
ISBN: 9782980337024