Research suggests that more and more behaviors are caused by brain function or dysfunction. However, is it legitimate to blame the brain for behavioral disorders? How do I know when the brain is really to blame?
A licensed psychologist, Edward T. Welch is a teaching member of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), established nearly fifty years ago to provide counseling training and psychological and pastoral support. rooted in the Bible. A counselor for over twenty-five years, he is the author of works on addictions, fear and anxiety.
Part One: The Biblical Foundations
1. Who is in charge?
2. Mind and body: questions and answers
3. Mind and body: practical applications
Part Two: Brain Problems Seen from the Perspective of Scripture
The brain is responsible: Brain disorders
4. Alzheimer's disease and dementia
5. Head trauma
The brain may be responsible: Psychiatric disorders
6. An introduction to psychiatric problems
7. Depression
8. Attention deficit disorder
The brain is not to blame: New trends in neuroscience
9. Homosexuality
10. Alcoholism
11. Final Thoughts
ISBN: 9782890822771