Many Christians accept that the cross of Christ is a central part of the gospel of salvation accomplished in Christ. And this is true. But it is less common to grasp its full scandalous dimension. This very particular crucified should never have been crucified if there had only been men in the running. Behind the cross, the shadow of its greatest actor – God himself – is projected. This is why it is followed by the glorious certainty of the resurrection.
Don Carson is a renowned and accomplished theologian, but he also knows how to speak freshly to the heart of the “ordinary” Christian. In this book, he shows with great finesse and sensitivity what God was doing in the event of the cross. He explains the fundamental meaning of this sacrifice and how this divine triumph has enriching eschatological implications for today.
It examines the astonishing resurrection of Lazarus, a parable of another, far more sublime resurrection. It reveals the dynamic that spreads the message of salvation to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age.
This book is misleading. Behind remarkable ease of reading lies an enormous amount of reflection, erudition and biblical faithfulness. When you close it, the reader will surely wonder: “Why have I never seen this before?” »
Donald Carson
Of Canadian origin, he is professor of New Testament at the Trinity Evangelical Theological Institute, near Chicago. He is also a doctor of New Testament philosophy (Cambridge) and considered one of the very first contemporary theologians. He gives conferences all over the world and in French-speaking Europe. A prolific author, several of his books have been translated into French, notably In the intimacy of Jesus published by Europresse.
ISBN: 9782914562683