He who speaks of the Cross - The seven words of Calvary

He who speaks of the Cross - The seven words of Calvary

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The cross of Christ has always been important to the Christian. It is central to biblical faith, as the apostle Paul indicates when he declares: “Far be it from me to glory in anything other than the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. »

Its importance lies in the One who is nailed there and who suffers death there, as well as in what is accomplished there. The history of the world has seen multiple crosses or executions. But this one is entirely different from any other, mainly because of who is there and what they do there.

The words that came from the mouth of Jesus as he hung on the cross are of immense richness for understanding the message of salvation.

This is what Arthur Pink shows in pages of warmth full of devotion. Faced with the sufferings and victory of Christ, we are far from a cold, clinical presentation. It is all the heartstrings of the one who is touched by the grace of God which are activated to finally bring up a song to the glory of God for the sending of his Son in order to obtain salvation for his people.

Pink is renowned for his accuracy with the biblical text. Here, he goes further and makes hearts vibrate. Nor does he leave aside those who perhaps do not yet know the Lord as their Savior. He challenges his reader to trust in the omnipotent and sovereign grace that radiates from the one who speaks of the cross.

ISBN: 9782914562317