We live in the digital age, a period in human history that is characterized by the commodification of our attention. The technologies we use every day use us: they seek to make us scroll as often as possible and lock us in an endless loop of impatience, comparison, indignation and contempt. Unaware of the risks, we enjoy these temporary pleasures without measuring the damage done to our soul.
In this book, Jay Kim explores how the digital age and its values are affecting the lives and commitments of Christians. As this age pushes us toward discontent, fickleness, and stupidity, how can we, as followers of Jesus, intelligently resist the forces of our time? How can Christians cultivate contentment, resilience, and wisdom, not only to survive in today’s world, but also to grow in the face of the challenges of our time?
Far from condemning technology wholesale, The Christian in the Digital Age combines cultural analysis, theological reflection, and pastoral wisdom to propose a better way to live today, in the image of the one who is fully and truly human, Jesus Christ.