The Christian Faith Explained
Does God exist? Can we find out? Does he care about human affairs? Where are we going ? Where do we come from ? What happens after death? Why is there so much suffering on earth?
All philosophical or religious systems, atheists or believers, without exception, must answer these fundamental questions of human existence. It is a certainty: 100% of humans will die one day. What is there after death? Some people answer this question by saying that no one has come back from the other side to tell us about it. This is where the message of Christianity is unique. He affirms that, precisely, a person returned from death to tell us about it: Jesus of Nazareth.
Although many tried to make him only a prophet or a wise man, Jesus presented himself as God who came to visit and save humanity. Christianity has a powerful message of peace and hope for a divided, torn world. If all humans put the teachings of Jesus into practice, there would be peace on earth. But why isn’t this happening and what does Christianity have to offer as a solution?
We Believe in God presents the Christian faith in clear, interesting, funny and informed language. The book also contains a “Faith FAQ” section which explains the Christian faith in 52 questions and answers as well as a discussion guide for each chapter.
Author: Jean-Sebastien Morin
ISBN: 9782925131366