As you hold a language of love distinct from other people, you also learn and express the words and gestures of exculpation in your ownership of the language. Gary Chapman, author widely recognized by the "New York Times," together with consultant Jennifer Thomas, we have conducted this exhaustive study in the form in which we express our bare bones, demonstrating that no one is dealing with a question of voluntad, but at the same time of the manner in which expressly we are exonerated. Ayudandonos a identificar los lenguajes de la exculpa, este libro facilita el camino hacia la creacion de relaciones interpersonalables saludables y durablees. Our authors provide us with appropriate techniques to accept and exonerate you in effective form.
- Include a form for your personal evaluation segun los Cinco Lenguajes de la Disculpa.
- Investigations and examples of real life present concepts of ease of understanding.
- Presentation of practical cases and demonstration of how to repair relationships between parejas, matrimonios, novios, familiares, amigos, socios and companeros de travail.
ISBN: 9781414312897