¡The secret of the existence of the cry of the children is dirty!
The psicológicos studies affirm that the Bible always says that: children need love that God says that we should die (Tito 2.4). Y los padres desean el respeto que la Escritura dice claramente que es nuestro derecho (Éxodo 20.12).
Love and respect for the family is a practical guide to help you break the cycle of familiar conflicts and replace it with an energizing and healthy routine. Basado en lo que dice la Biblia a los padres acerca de la crianza, this book is centered in the logro of a saludable familiar dynamic. In this book, Dr. Eggerichs offers us, with a transparency without precedents, the contribution of his wife and of his three major children, who compare the sabidity acquired in the good, the bad and the feo of his familiar life.
Todo está aqui en esta exploración reveladora de los principios bíblicos sobre la crianza de los hijos que pueden ayudar a que las familias funcionen commemo Dios manda.
ISBN: 9781602559776