Is God reachable? Can we touch Him? Can we see Him? The Bible says: “For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness; The upright BEHIND His face. » Psalms 11:7
Yes, I believe that God is accessible. It depends on the dimension we are in. If we are in the flesh, it will be difficult to experience our Lord. God has an address, that of the 'heavenly places' , which the Bible calls 'the secret place' . You will find it there!
How many Christians experience God today? Is the theme of intimacy with God still fashionable today? Talking about angels has become a taboo subject. The life of God is almost absent in His Church today... We have surely abandoned our first love. The Lord knocks again on the door of our hearts. LET’S INVITE HIM TO ENTER, so that He may commune with us.
It is time to ascend to the mountain of God, His holy mountain. There is His glorious presence. There, you will find hearty and succulent dishes. There is His infinitely great power and authority. There also lie the answers to all of humanity's questions. There is life and true peace. There again is the Lord of all the universe.
I challenge you to win Him back... He is the Father of prodigal sons. And this is only possible through intimacy with The Lord.