“It is not good for a man to be alone” (Gen 2:18). Man was made to live with others. But living with others is not always easy. Others are so different from us. They only think about themselves and their interests – which often conflict with ours. Hence: dissensions, quarrels, conflicts. Since man has been on earth, there have been struggles and wars everywhere.
God wanted to create a different society where harmony and peace reign: the Church. At the beginning, “all who became believers lived in perfect unity of heart and spirit” (Acts 4:32).
To achieve this unity in the Churches, we find, in the New Testament, around thirty different verbs associated with the expression “one another”. They constitute a powerful antidote to the ferments of division and outline for us the framework of relationships such as God would have them for his children: “Love one another, welcome one another, encourage one another, edify one another, honor one another. ..”, but also: “bear with each other, watch over each other, forgive each other…”.
These verbs are both a call and a promise.
In this book, Alfred Kuen examines the imperatives associated with this expression and draws practical applications from them to deepen unity in our Churches and avoid tensions.
Author: Alfred Kuen
ISBN: 97828828700522