Comment vivre avec ses parents (Sans devenir dingue...)

How to live with your parents

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If you think that How to Live with Your Parents (Without Going Crazy...) is a book to teach teens how to change their parents, you're wrong.

This book explains that the adolescent who agrees to question himself and allow himself to be changed by God can expect transformations in his family. The author refers to the Bible to emphasize the importance of a harmonious family life. And he points out a primordial fact that every teenager must remember: God is an “Expert in Missions Impossible”.

He is able to help overcome any family problem – big or small.

But don't think that this book is only aimed at young people. Parents should read it too – cover to cover. They will gain a new understanding of what lies behind the way they make decisions, assert their authority, and express their love.

How to Live with Your Parents (Without Going Crazy...) is a warm and funny book about the most important relationship in any young life: the one that ultimately determines the likely development of any relationship, including that of future spouses and their children.

Ken Davis , a permanent fixture at Youth for Christ for many years, is currently a highly sought-after speaker, but also a communications consultant and... stand-up comedian. He is married and the father of two daughters.

ISBN: 9782850318269