The resources that the earth provides are not infinite! Economics studies how we use these resources to satisfy human needs, which tend to be limitless.
The economic relations that we experience at the global level are the product of the economic behaviors that we adopt, voluntarily or not, individually. It is therefore up to everyone to choose what action to take in the current economic context... It is a question of assuming one's responsibility.
Of course, many will think that a Christian-inspired economy is only an inapplicable dream in our globalized society, corrupted by greed, the thirst for power, and by the race for profit considered as an end in itself. However, looking at the biblical texts allows us to draw reference points in order to situate ourselves as a Christian in the face of the economy, money and poverty. And all this while avoiding falling into the trap of discouragement, indifference, or guilt in the face of the sometimes saddening spectacle that the mad rush of the global economy inflicts on us.
Author: Hélène Farelly
ISBN: 9782863143827