How the Gospel Can Transform Your Children, Your Church, Your Community, and the World
According to one study, seven out of ten children will leave the Church by the age of eighteen. About five of them will return when they have families of their own. But two will never come back. There is clearly a problem somewhere.
The story of Jesus interacting with the disciples on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection provides a glimpse of what gospel-centered children's ministry looks like: teaching that features Jesus in every lesson, transformation that aims to change the heart of the child before his behavior, and a mission in which children engage in order to take part in the great story of Jesus.
As children's ministry leaders, we must make sure we provide children with the one thing that will truly satisfy them and fuel their love for the Church: the gospel. In this book, the author presents us with a plan to achieve this. It also offers us different ways to communicate with other leaders and parents to encourage them in our ministry.
Brian Dembowczyk served in a church for sixteen years, including as a pastor to children, students and families. He is currently the editor-in-chief of LifeWay Christian Resources' Gospel Project. Brian earned a doctorate in preaching from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, a master's degree in divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is still pursuing his doctorate at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
ISBN: 9782890824003