Live a life above defeat
It is a revolution that breaks down the walls of legalism and brings believers into a deep and intimate relationship with the person of Jesus. Precious lives are transformed, marriages are restored, the sick are healed, and many are freed from the bondage of sin.
In THE GRACE REVOLUTION, Joseph Prince, international best-selling author and one of the leading voices in proclaiming the gospel of grace, offers five powerful keys that will help you experience the revolution of grace in your own daily life and lead a life above defeat.
Let the revolution begin!
Experience a revolution spanning the world!
Discover how these keys can serve you by reading the testimonies of people who experienced amazing breakthroughs and transformations when they met the real Jesus and heard the gospel pure and simple. Whatever your challenge is today, start moving away from defeat and take a giant leap toward your victory.
Let the revolution begin!
Author: Joseph Prince
ISBN: 9782913795587