Christian at 180°: Returning to your first love - Serving Jesus in a culture of excess

Christian at 180°: Returning to your first love - Serving Jesus in a culture of excess

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Will you resist when you are shaken?

“Today my soul is in turmoil. I sense that we are going to have to face very difficult times. I believe that we are living in a period in which God, in his infinite mercy, is preparing his Church. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken and only the truth will remain. We do not have to worry, but to prepare our hearts.” Carter Conlon

Even as the world darkens, as the economy falters, our societies become increasingly jaded. Uprisings of wounded peoples result in every corner of the world, and for reasons far deeper than the protesters themselves realize. The whole world cries out in distress.
In this context, the author asks the question of what should be the behavior of the Christian. As disciples of Jesus Christ, are we ready to make things change? How?

This book is a word of exhortation from the Lord to all who are seeking truth, strength and direction in these uncertain times so that they may become a source of blessing and hope to the world.

Carter Conlon is pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. An interdenominational church with over 8,000 members from 100 different nationalities. After serving as a pastor in Canada, he joined David Wilkerson, the founder of the church and author of “The Cross and the Dagger.”

ISBN: 9782847002027