Overcomers are people who, when faced with the constant choice between satisfying God and satisfying the self, constantly choose to satisfy God. Because they always choose the Lord, which also means that they consistently reject the evil one, they satisfy the heart of God and make themselves the object of the greatest fury of hell and death. greatest joy of heaven.
Based on the example of Gideon, Caleb, and others, Professor Fomum establishes the fact that the victors are normal Christians.
These winners are people who manage to maintain their love by:
continuous contact,
a continual communion,
continual obedience,
a continual elimination of the slightest barrier that stands between God and them.
As you read this book, may the Lord of glory act by the power of the Holy Spirit to produce many overcomers in His Church, for His greater purposes are connected with these
ISBN: 9782357740495