He is someone whose hunger exceeds what he has.
A God Hunter is an individual whose hunger exceeds what he has available. A Godhunter is someone whose passion for the presence of God drives him to pursue the impossible in the hope that the uncatchable might catch him.
It's like a child chasing his father until suddenly the father wraps his loving arms around him. The pursuer then becomes the pursued. Paul expresses it this way: ...I run to try to seize it, since I too have been seized by Jesus Christ. (Phil. 3.12)
Burning traces of the Extreme Hunters can be found throughout history, from Moses the stutterer, through David the dancing poet and Paul the radical preacher to contemporaries such as AWTozer, Leonard Ravenhill and countless others including the common passion is an insatiable hunger to know their Lord.
Extreme Hunters never apologize for their passion in their stubborn pursuit of Christ, even if sometimes they seem crazy to others.
ISBN: 9782921335621