How to Find Help and Hope in the Scriptures
Authors: Elyse Fritzpatrick & Jim Newheiser
What to do when you feel like you have lost your child?
There is perhaps no greater fear in a parent's heart than that of seeing their beloved, well-bred child turn into a prodigal son.
As a parent, how should you deal with a child who refuses to cooperate with you, who is always angry, who seems to develop hatred toward you, or who rejects the Christian faith?
In this book, Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick draw on their years of personal experience as parents and biblical counselors to explain how hurting parents can deal with the emotional trauma caused by a child's rebellion. They offer warm encouragement and concrete solutions that will be useful to parents, even those experiencing particularly difficult situations.
The book also has excellent advice about medications commonly prescribed for children with behavioral problems, and offers questions parents can ask doctors before using these types of medications.
ISBN: 9782890824027
pages: 300