The languages ​​of love (pocket format)

The languages ​​of love (pocket format)

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“If we want to communicate effectively with people from other cultures, we must learn their language. The same is true in the area of ​​love. The language of your sentimental love and that of your spouse can be as different as Chinese is from French. »

Gary Chapman identifies five main means of expression by which each individual can demonstrate their love: affirming words, quality moments, gifts, services rendered, physical touch.

There are rarely two people in a couple expressing their affection via the same means, hence the communication problem which is the cause of many disillusionments.

Thanks to the many true stories and ideas presented by this renowned marriage counselor, the reader will learn to speak a new language specific to their relationship: a language that builds and flourishes because it will finally be understood by both spouses.

Gary Chapman conducts numerous seminars for couples around the world. Initiated by this book, his series of works on love languages ​​(intended for couples and parents of children and adolescents) received a very favorable reception from the French-speaking public.

ISBN: 9782863144527