
We know that in times of great uncertainty, fear and anxiety, many people turn to God for answers and spiritual comfort; the Bible and other Christian literature can provide some.

The CLC international office is launching a vast fundraising campaign in the 45 countries where the CLC is present. Printing and/or directly purchasing Bibles and relevant Christian books in the Ukrainian language is at the heart of our action. The CLC Poland , CLC Romania and CLC Hungary bookstores are responsible for hand-delivering them to refugees.

The international office is therefore seeking to raise between $25,000 and $65,000 . In the immediate future, here are three projects that are ready to be implemented now:

  1. Printing of Bibles and Christian literature in the Ukrainian language: $3,200 .
  2. In partnership with a publisher in Ukraine, 2,000 Bibles for children , in two models: one for 3-6 year olds and the other for 5-8 year olds: $3,350 .
  3. Printing of thousands of New Testaments. $2,540 .

As CLC Canada , we want to contribute by making a difference in lives by giving hope to thousands of refugees: do we know the price of a soul? This is why we ask for your kindness and generosity.

Help us carry out these projects by contributing according to your means.

For I will comfort those who are weary, and I will provide all that is necessary for those who are wasting away. I. 31.25 (FC)

Tax receipts will be issued for any donation of $20 or more. CLC Canada is a charitable organization. Contributions are tax deductible. Charity BN/Registration #: 118856848RR0001. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.