How can we biblically relieve the emotional wounds we suffer from?

Ten books on how to honestly and biblically confront the wounds that may be at the root of the crippling emotions we suffer.

Dare to assert yourself

Dare to assert yourself Book written by two psychologists. The authors address several themes: 1. Understanding boundaries 2. Conflicts related to boundaries (boundaries with spouse, friends, family, work, etc.) 3. Developing healthy boundaries (overcoming resistance, how to know if we are progressing, chronicle of a day with limits). The authors approach the theme from a therapeutic and psychological approach, but nevertheless refer to the Word of God to underline their thoughts. Buy

The word healing tool

The word healing tool I deeply believe that if difficult things are within us, it is better to face them in the face with support, than to be in permanent danger of an uncontrolled emergence. (...) Basically, it's an opportunity. Any crisis, any breakdown can be transformed into an opportunity for change and progress. When we experience difficult things, or when someone close to us is suffering, it is important that our words are accepted and take on meaning. Buy

To help the sick "Caring or being treated. It depends on the circumstances", as he likes to say: the Swiss pastor Jean-Claude Chabloz brings to the subject of divine healing a long experience both as a suffering Christian and as a pastor of the sick . His first work aims to popularize the question of divine healing. Written on the basis of interviews and preaching, it is intended to be a letter of encouragement, the sharing of a vision (God heals, that is his promise, that is even his name) and a book of study: in fact, the material is above all biblical, accompanied by contemporary testimonies and practical recommendations. An exhaustive treatment, which also - this is its quality - addresses the most delicate question: the gap which can sometimes appear between theory - and practice in matters of divine healing. Buy

Hurt past hurtful future?

Hurt past hurtful future? Childhood injuries, of all kinds, inevitably leave traces in the behavior of adults, who themselves will generate injuries. But this vicious circle can be broken and there is hope for those who want to escape this cycle. Buy


Restored God's rescue plan for broken lives. For some people, distress is as constant here as the rotation of the Earth. We barely have time to escape from one difficult situation when we already find ourselves in another. Suffering makes us long for something better: an improvement in our dire financial situation, the restoration of a friendship, a healed heart. Buy

10 steps to get out of depression

10 Steps to Get Out of Depression Are you feeling desperately sad and confused? Do you feel like you have lost control of your life? Are you experiencing insurmountable fear? A person going through a period of depression feels paralyzed. She is convinced that she will never get out of it. She needs help. This book will contribute to this because it offers simple and comprehensive help. Unlike many authors who treat this subject from a distance, the author of 10 Steps to Get Out of Depression herself personally encountered the problem of depression. Buy

When the darkness persists: Depression

When the Darkness Persists: Depression Even the most faithful and determined Christian can experience periods of depression and spiritual darkness, where joy seems to remain out of reach. It is possible that depression is caused by sin, the attacks of the devil, overwhelming circumstances, or certain hereditary or physical factors. John Piper's goal in When the Darkness Persists is to offer encouragement and guidance to those going through episodes of spiritual darkness. Buy

The liberator

The Deliverer We are engaged in spiritual warfare and we must be careful to understand who the enemy is and what his tactics are. However, with astonishing balance, this book not only makes us attentive to the deceptive works of the enemy, but also offers us a strategy for combat. We do not need more power as some claim, but we do need more truth! Neil Anderson has years of experience under his belt in accompanying Christians bound by bad habits, a heavy past, broken relationships... This new edition of his book is a total overhaul enriched by useful appendices that encourage the reader to make a personal assessment. Buy

Healing emotional wounds

Healing Emotional Wounds Honestly and biblically confront the wounds that may be at the root of the crippling emotions from which we suffer. Buy

Torn childhood

Torn Childhood An excellent book where the author addresses the delicate subject of sexual abuse with great understanding and compassion. All aspects of broken childhood are addressed. The disastrous ravages of incest, the suffering to overcome to move towards healing, the hope that God's love provides to those who have been abused, but also to all people who will help.

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