Wisdom and Living Praise - Dynamic Bible Transcriptions

Alfred Kuen

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Born August 31, 1921 in Strasbourg, France, was a professor at the Emmaus Bible and Missionary Institute in Saint-Légier, Switzerland, for many years. He invested a lot with other theologians such as André Loverini, Jacques Buchhold, Sylvain Romerowski, in the translation of the Bible into contemporary French known under the name “Bible du Sower”.

New Bibles: Wisdom and Living Praise

Wisdom and Living Praise
Living Wisdom Dynamic Transcription of Song of Songs, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiate Living Wisdom freshly communicates the message of the wisdom and poetry books of the Old Testament. His particuliarity ? This version brings together variations of more than 57 translations, in easily understandable language, to renew your daily meditation. This reissue of Wisdom and poetry for our time is a revised, corrected and pleasant to read version. Its notes make it an ideal tool to supplement your Bible study. Buy
Wisdom and Living Praise
Living Praise Dynamic Transcription of the Psalms Living Praise, a contemporary version of the Psalms in current language understandable by all. 25,000 translation variants are added to the rhythmic text; discover its riches in this ideal tool to accompany your study of the Bible. With the psalmists, “Sing to the Lord a new song” (Ps. 96:1) and renew your personal worship. Buy