When intergenerational relations do not enter into the vision of the Church

A reality in our assemblies? Young and old will rejoice together…

Book Presentation: Young and Old Will Rejoice Together

Intergenerational worship is not:

  • a traditional service during which we take 5 to 10 minutes to speak especially to children.
  • a Sunday school lesson that would have adults as spectators.
  • a spectacle that some have prepared for others.

And it's not the fair! It remains above all a worship: this moment must retain its character of seriousness, of respect towards God. In any case, it is not a walk in the park for those who prepare it. But it is a unique opportunity to show what the church really is: It is indeed a testimony when, in a community of Christians, “young and old” can rejoice together! The church is a family, and its life must be designed for all age groups to live together in harmony, explains Sylvie Perrin. After describing what intergenerational or family worship looks like, and how it can be prepared, the author offers around twenty very detailed intergenerational worship procedures to adapt to each church. Some are related to Christian holidays, others address themes of spiritual life. Even if these frameworks are in a way "ready to use", the author also invites you to go further and imagine for your own church a worship which will involve the greatest number of members, whatever their age and their abilities. donations.

Sylvie Perrin , a trained teacher, has always been committed to the transmission and sharing of knowledge. Thus, for more than 20 years, she led training seminars for ministries among children in collaboration with the League for Reading the Bible, France for Christ or quite simply in the assemblies where she was invited. She is actively involved in teaching in her local church and is responsible for the Formapré center in Strasbourg.