Do not be afraid
The Canadian Bible Society presents “Do not be afraid”, the story of Samuel, an ordinary boy who, after meeting Jesus, finds himself plunged into an adventure where he must deliver a message of hope to lost people, across the Wasteland.

Production and publication by: Pablo Langlois
Coloring by: Sofia Gonzalez
Armed with the Word of God and the shield of faith, Samuel must conquer his fears, overcome his old ways, and ultimately learn to trust in the power of God to fight against the powers of Evil.

Samuel . 8 years
Armed with the Word of God and the shield of faith, Samuel must conquer his fears, overcome his old ways, and ultimately learn to trust in the power of God to fight against the powers of Evil.

Marcus . 12 years
An ordinary boy of 12 years old and the gift of leadership, Joshua must overcome captivity, having been captured by the Devourers. Will we be able to find him?

Sarah . 10 years
Very strong and caring, Sara is an adventurous girl with big dreams. The only things she fears in life are losing her family and being alone.

Thomas . 11 years old
Logical and brilliant, Thomas is the most analytical member of the team. He enjoys reading and often talks about the lessons his grandfather taught him. Thomas is afraid in the dark and has no sense of adventure.

Lucas . 7 years
Luc, the youngest member of the team and Anna's younger brother, is a creative investigator with a fertile imagination. Having always been smaller than his peers, Luc feels easily intimidated by anything bigger than him.

Ana . 10 years
Luc's older sister, Anna is an introvert. She is shy, sensitive and very loyal. Loving stories and adventure, Anna also struggles with fears from her past.