How to get rid of insecurity, depression, pornography or unbelief
Waiting for the day of God to come and hastening its coming! But we are waiting, as God has promised, for a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness will dwell. This is why, my dear friends, in this expectation, make every effort so that God finds you pure and blameless in his eyes, in the peace he gives. 2 Peter 3:13-14
Combating unbelief Countering the pleasure of sin with a higher pleasure. John Piper shows us how to cut away the roots of sin that cling to us and trap us. He analyzes the mechanisms of bitterness, discouragement and lust. Buy
Say Goodbye to Insecurity! Perhaps the word insecurity caught your eye? And all your buried insecurities resurfaced. The images and messages that the media send us daily only aggravate the feeling of insecurity that is already within you and all those fears that destabilize you. You need help. (And you're not the only one!) Maybe overall you're doing okay...but aren't there always all sorts of insecurities you could work on? Things could be better, right? But you ask yourself: can I really say “Goodbye” to my insecurities? (Yes, you can!) Why do so many women feel this way? And those we idealize, do they also know him? Has the author of this book, Beth Moore, of all others, struggled with insecurity? (Yes, her too!) Buy
Depression Depression , the disease of the century that some describe as a storm unleashed in the brain, a “storm of darkness”, affects more people than it seems: this psychological pathology, which was formerly called “melancholy”, will appear in 2020, according to the World Health Organization, as the second most common disease affecting the human species. For Edward Welch presents depression in all its complexity, with compassion and insight, far from simplistic platitudes or unrealistic boilerplate formulas. Buy
CLICK CLICK CLIXXX Click, Click, Clixxx offers a practical approach that aims to escape the temptations of pornography before it's too late. The author draws on his personal experience working with and counseling thousands of men suffering from problems related to the pornography industry. Buy