Eric Liddel. An example of Christian faith
Eric Liddel, a man who answered God's call.

The “Heroes of Faith” collection tells the true, exciting, challenging and moving stories of men and women who, through their faith in God, accomplished extraordinary feats for his Kingdom and his glory. Eric Liddell (1902-1945) The runners have just left their starting line. It's obvious that Eric Liddell is going to be upgraded. Suddenly the spectators at the Olympic stadium hold their breath... The Scotsman refuses to be overtaken. And, as he crossed the finish line in the lead, the crowd let out an immense clamor whose echo was heard throughout Paris. Eric Liddell has just achieved the impossible, even setting a new world record! Eric Liddell's refusal to run in the Olympic hundred meters on a Sunday stunned the world. But his incredible victory in the four hundred meters strengthens his faith in the promise of a God who said: "I will honor him who honors me." Having become a missionary in China, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond his simple physical capabilities. His character and wonderful endurance represent a model and challenge to all who are called to carry the Gospel to the nations. Eric Liddell is the hero of the famous film “Chariots of Fire”.