A verse-by-verse edition of Revelation

In-depth commentary, in a revised and expanded edition, of the Apocalypse from a perspective which roots the eschatological discourse in cultic reality. The Apocalypse, a mysterious, hermetic, even frightening book? According to some, yes. Others see it, on the contrary, as an extraordinary source of encouragement, a window open to a bright future. So, to form an opinion, there is nothing like reading these 2000 year old biblical prophecies yourself, a good commentary at your fingertips! Author of more than fifteen works, passionate examiner, commentator and teacher of the Scriptures, John H. Alexander helps us to penetrate and better understand the book reputed to be the most obscure in the Bible, to make this enigmatic lose its mystery. Revelation.

“The Apocalypse verse by verse”, a reference work to consume without moderation!

  • The complete study of one of the most enigmatic biblical books, with rich and detailed explanations
  • A language and an expression accessible to all
  • A theme that is more relevant than ever!

Apocalypse verset par Verset


Themes: * The Bible * The Apocalypse * The prophecies * The last times * The return of Jesus Christ * God's plan * Salvation. Joseph H. Alexander Author of more than fifteen works, passionate examiner, commentator and teacher of the Scriptures, John H Alexander helps us to penetrate and better understand the book reputed to be the most obscure in the Bible, to make this enigmatic Revelation lose its mystery. .