Biographies and real life facts
Here are ten biographies of Christians throughout history and from different parts of the world who inspire us to seek God's help in key moments of our lives.
Chiniquy Few men have known how to raise such contradictory tides! This son of Quebec, after twenty-four years of priesthood, began to reveal what no priest is allowed to reveal: the shocking secrets of Rome. Everything was done to prevent our grandparents from learning the truth. His writings were blacklisted; it was even forbidden to speak to him under penalty of excommunication, and it was only by miracle that he was able to escape, often narrowly, the numerous attempts to take his life. Discover the truth about Charles Chiniquy for yourself. Buy
Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Few were the opponents of the rise of Nazism in Germany. The Christian pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of them. Here is his biography, brilliantly written by Eric Metaxas. Buy
God in Hell in Ravensbück with Corrie Ten Boom Faced in their daily lives with the vexations and abuses of which their fellow Jewish citizens are victims, the Ten Boom family chooses to fall into a double life of clandestinity. And what could be more delicate for people who are "good in all respects" and attached to honesty and the truth? The story takes us through, step by step, the stages of this incredible adventure, for which the actors paid a high price: only the youngest, Cornélia, known as Corrie, will survive the torments of war and the horrors of the camp. Ravensbrück. Much more than "another" book about this period of war, this is the refreshing story of an ordinary family who chose to open the door of their "home" to those who were hunted by the Nazi fury. This story takes us into the realm of the price that the choice to help one's neighbor can cost, it reveals to us their example of sincerity and faith in turmoil. A story that inspires. Buy
From the ghetto to life He was once part of the problem – now he is a messenger of peace. Born to parents deeply connected to the occult, Nicky's earliest memories are of a hellish childhood in Puerto Rico. Abuse and neglect turned Nicky into an uncontrollable child dominated by hatred. Being alone on the streets of New York at barely 15 years old, he quickly found his first “family” experience in the gangs. As the notorious leader of the violent Mau Mau gang, he once roamed the streets, living like "an animal, without conscience, morality, reason, or any perception of right and wrong." Everything changed when he found the one person who truly loved him...and transformed his life. Gang leader from the film “The Cross and the Dagger” Buy
Joni & Ken God's Infinite Grace: The Secret to a Happy Marriage. Married for almost 30 years, Joni and Ken deal with the difficulties associated with Joni's quadriplegia, difficulties which ultimately attack their relationship. But one day, they find themselves faced with a new ordeal: they learn that Joni has cancer. Together, they fight against illness, drawing their strength from God. And finally, they emerge united, united, reunited. It is this “journey” that they relate to us here, with a deeply touching sincerity and frankness, creating an edifying and enriching work, which will certainly encourage and help many couples in the grip of doubt and discouragement. Buy
Nora, victory over bulimia Parents who don't understand her, brothers who never miss an opportunity to put her down, boys who abuse her, the feeling of never being good enough: for Nora, as for many 'other ; adolescence is really not easy. Feeling more and more alone, she seeks refuge in food, but then things spiral: she finds herself trapped in bulimia. Will she get through it? You will know it by reading this authentic story, touching with sincerity and full of hope. Buy
Madeleine Blocher-Saillens Madeleine Blocher-Saillens (1881-1971) is identified by historians as the first “full exercise” female pastor in French Protestantism. Succeeding her suddenly deceased husband, she became the senior pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Paris at the end of 1929. This volume restores, through selected extracts from the diary of Madeleine Blocher-Saillens, the daily life of her fight for the full recognition of her ministry. There we discover a passionaria of the Gospel with the temperament of a preacher... Buy
Trapped A young doctor, small children, a few adults and a hospital full of patients... all of these people find themselves trapped between Zairian loyalist troops and Katangese guerrillas - while bursts of machine guns, mortars and grenades shake the site of the mission station. It's impossible to stay, but there's nowhere to go! Intrigue, adventure, humor, drama... Everything to be captivated from start to finish! 266 pages Buy
Spurgeon: his life and work, 1834-1892 Gifted with a powerful voice, great intelligence and a mastery of simple and illustrated language which reached the hearts of crowds, Spurgeon was one of the most remarkable preachers of his time. However, the most important factor in his success was his deep trust in his Savior and Lord, and a true understanding of His grace and love. This produced in him a great desire to make the Lord Jesus known, loved and adored. The text is that of the book published by Mrs. G. Brunel in 1924. It is inspired by the books of ME Saillens and Pastor Shindler, friend and biographer of Spurgeon, as well as the book by Spurgeon himself, Memories of Stambourne. This reissue revives the memory of important events relating to the life and work of this faithful servant of God. Buy
Robert Chapman, a biography This exceptional man served God in the small town of Barnstaple, England, during the 19th century. Chapman deliberately avoided publicity because he did not want to attract the attention that rightfully belonged to his Lord. However, towards the end of his life, he was recognized throughout the world for his great compassion, wisdom and love. These words characterized him: “My task is to love, without seeking for others to love me in return.” Robert Chapman's life cannot help but challenge the Lord's people to deepen their devotion to Christ and to love others more selflessly. Buy