Bible Express: You've been weird since you read this book!


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BIBLE EXPRESS , these are extracts from the Bible. The main message of the Gospels and the first steps of Jesus' disciples are presented in an original way, with parallels throughout the rest of the Bible. There is also a lot of information to explain biblical texts or to make people think, illustrations for those who don't like to read all the time and creative spaces for graffiti... Uhhhh, no! To take very serious notes, of course! Unconventional reading is a little confusing at first, it's weird, but once you get the hang of it, it's cool! Good reading! 9782608128072_Bible-Express_A Bible Express 9782608128072_Bible-Express_C 9782608128072_Bible-Express_B


When we talk about the “cinema bible”, we are talking about a reference book containing important and authoritative information. When we talk about the Bible with a capital B, we are talking about a reference work, which is authoritative for a certain number of people. However, the word can refer to two different things:
  • There is what Jews call the Tanach and Christians call the Old Testament, which tells the history of humanity with a particular focus on one people: Israel.
  • Christians have a second part to their Bible: the New Testament, which contains accounts of the life of Jesus, born among the people of Israel, and the story of the first people who saw in him more than just a man .
It is on the stories relating to the life of Jesus and his first disciples that we have chosen to concentrate, in Bible express, by regularly offering alongside texts taken from other parts of the Bible which are linked to them thematically. These are therefore only extracts from the different biblical books. When parts of text are italicized, it is because the author is quoting a text from the Old Testament, or it is a literary indication or a kind of title present in the biblical text itself. At the end of the book (page 424), a chronology helps to situate events and characters in relation to each other. It can be profitably consulted while reading.

Bible Express
